signature essential oils


essential oil combinations and how they work on the nervous system


Vetiver is relaxing and is beneficial for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, insomnia or depression. Vetiver is recommended for physical, mental and emotional burnout which results from total exhaustion.

Sweet Orange

The properties of sweet orange are said to overlap with those of Neroli. It is considered to have a mildly sedative and antidepressant effect. It is recommended in the treatment of anxiety, nervousness and insomnia.

True Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)

Lavender can exert a sedative or a stimulant action, depending on one’s needs. It will act as a sedative in conditions of mental and emotional agitation and unrest, calming the mind, comforting feelings and alleviating fears, while it is uplifting and revives the spirits for someone feeling emotionally depleted and depressed


Mandarin has a tonic effect on the digestive system, helping to regulate metabolic processes and it aids the secretion of bile and breaking down of fats. It is beneficial for calming the intestines and relieving flatulence.

Damask Rose (Rosa damascena)

Rose oil has been assigned to the heart and may be used as a sedative for the nerves, it is useful for the treatment of palpitations, irritability and insomnia. It helps to release anger, despair and frustration.

Virginian Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana)

It has a sedative effect and may be used in conditions associated with anxiety and nervous tension.

Australian Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum)

Anti inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, sedative, tonic.


The oil has traditionally been used as a stimulant, carminative, diaphoretic and nerve tonic. It is not recommended for use in persons with hypersensitive skin, diseased or damaged skin.


Bergamot is recommended for people who are tense, anxious or depressed. It is phototoxic on the skin and exposure to the sun after a massage should be avoided.


It is well known for its stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It is reputed to be a brain stimulant and is used for poor concentration and nervous debility.